(PLEASE NOTE: This is the parish council page for Leckhampstead near Milton Keynes in the local government district of Buckinghamshire.  It does NOT provide information on the council for Leckhampstead near Newbury in West Berkshire)

Leckhampstead Parish Council meets every two months to discuss and decide on matters relating directly to the village. It is made up of five elected councillors, supported by the clerk to the parish council.

As the first tier or ‘grass roots’ local  authority, it has a range of responsibilities on issues affecting the local community, including:


  • Annual taxation to fund activities (the parish precept);
  • Burial grounds;
  • Crime prevention;
  • Managing open spaces;
  • Traffic calming;
  • Planning – the council has to be consulted by Buckinghamshire Council (the planning authority) on all applications in the parish and its views have to be taken into account. It does not make the final decision;
  • Makes representation to the relevant responsible authority on other issues which affect the village.


A complete list of the responsibilities of a parish council can be found here

Information on other local authorities and services and their responsibilities can be found under Useful Contacts

A copy of the Standing Orders adopted on 27th March 2023 can be found here

A copy of the Financial Regulations adopted on 27th March 2023 can be found here

(Both documents effective from 1st April 2023.)

A copy of the Code of Conduct adopted on 10th January 2024 can be found here

A copy of our Information Commissioners Office Registration Certificate can be found here

A copy of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2023/4 can be found here


Lesley Smith (chair)

Caroline Gurney
Tessa White
(vice chair)


Simon Krelle

Sam Gill



Joanna Taylor

Great Gable, Home Farm,
Leckhampstead, Bucks MK18 5NN

Tel: 07812 033828


* These are the contact details for Leckhampstead Parish Council, Buckinghamshire only and not for queries and inquiries about the village of the same name in West Berkshire, which can be found at www.leckhampstead.net

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