A wide range of social and fundraising events are held in Leckhampstead throughout the year.

 Please check this page regularly to find out what's happening.

This three-day art exhibition over the late May Bank Holiday will showcase the work of local artists, sculptors, potters and photographers in the setting of St Mary’s Church.
Visitors will be able to buy work on show and get creative themselves. Activities will include a chance to try your hand at drawing under the guidance of an artist and tips from a professional on getting the best shot from your phone’s camera. Children will have a ‘studio’ area where they can make their own art.
There will also be a raffle, a plant sale and, of course, Leckhampstead’s celebrated teas with homemade cakes. More details soon.

All profits will go towards the church repair appeal fund.

If you are interested in exhibiting, details and entry forms can be downloaded  here
or email

VILLAGE WALK - next date tbc
If you have any queries, please get in touch with Keith and Beth King


The next coffee mornings - February 4th & 18th; March 4th & 18th

These friendly, informal get-togethers are on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 10.30am to 12pm.
Numbers vary from week to week, but those who come enjoy the company and scrummy cake along with their tea and coffee. It would be great to see more people and there is no obligation to attend every time or to stay to the end – just pop in for a while whenever you can.

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